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  • TechRepublic Premium

    Hiring Kit: Data Architect

    To make their best decisions, businesses need the best actionable information. Acquiring that information requires the sifting, sorting and manipulation of data — lots and lots of data. But data does not just happen. It must be designed, molded and drawn out of what is essentially chaos. Recruiting a data architect with the right combination …

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Timekeeping and Pay Policy

    Accurate and fair employee compensation signifies that the company truly values the time and effort its workforce exerts. This commitment to fair compensation is a cornerstone of workplace fairness, and it holds the potential to boost not only job satisfaction but also employee engagement and overall productivity. The purpose of this policy from TechRepublic Premium …

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Quick Glossary: Femtech

    Throughout the different stages of a woman’s life, from menstruation and pregnancy to menopause, it is evident that women possess unique healthcare and wellness needs that often demand tailored solutions. Thankfully, femtech, short for female technology, is at the forefront, offering a pathway to empower women of diverse backgrounds by providing them with the resources …

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Hiring Kit: Android Developer

    Smartphones and other mobile devices play a vital role in the modern digital world. Businesses not only rely on mobile applications for connecting with customers and clients, but also deploy applications for use by employees for internal communications and interaction. Of course, consumers use their mobile devices for a multitude of social and commercial activities. …


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