At the Samsung Unpacked event on Wednesday, the mobile phone giant showed the Samsung Galaxy S24 series’ generative AI-powered note-taking tools and real-time translation. Samsung’s newest smartphone series will support Google’s Gemini Nano and Gemini Pro generative AI, and the Imagen 2 image maker, on Google’s Vertex AI through the cloud.
Google brings Gemini Pro and other AI capabilities to Samsung Galaxy S24
Samsung showed off real-time translations between languages on texts or phone calls with Live Translate; the Live Translate feature could be used for catching a ride during a business trip or talking with international colleagues.
Gemini Pro on Vertex AI for Samsung offers generative AI features for business use, such as summarizing meeting notes and automatically classifying voice recordings (Figure A).
Figure A
These services are one of Google’s first implementations of the Gemini Ultra large language model.
SEE: Here’s everything you need to know about artificial intelligence. (TechRepublic)
Meanwhile, Imagen 2 on Vertex AI provides photo editing capabilities for personal or business social media and marketing use. Along with the the generative AI features accessible through the cloud, Google’s Gemini Nano runs generative AI on-device.
Samsung Galaxy S24 series availability and pricing
The Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24+ and Galaxy S24 will be available globally on January 31 at Samsung.com, at Samsung Experience Stores and from major mobile carriers and retailers. The phones in the series are differentiated as follows:
- Galaxy S24 starts at $799.99 and comes with options of either 128 GB or 256 GB of storage.
- Galaxy S24+ starts at $999.99 and comes in 256 GB or 512 GB storage options.
- Galaxy S24 Ultra starts at $1,299.99 with storage capacity options of 256 GB, 512G B or 1 TB.
Competitors to the Samsung Galaxy S24
The Samsung Galaxy S24 competes with Apple’s current generation iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro. Google included AI image editing in its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, which compete to deliver contemporary smartphone features. However, Google’s phones didn’t make the top five in global smartphone sales in 2023, according to IDC.